Why No Selenium ,Iodine, copper, chromium manganese and magnesium in Nuvibliss Vitamin capsule?

by Nuvibliss . on August 04, 2022

You may often come across multivitamins in combination with micronutrients like Selenium, Chromium etc.  

There is not such recommendation to use these on day to day basis as these metals may do more harm than benefit. At Lifycare through Nuvibliss Gourmet multivitamin, we strive hard to get everyone the best possible multivitamin combination with Omega 3 as well as zinc supplement steering away from the other “ so called beneficial” elements which can have adverse effects if taken in long term. After all , we believe in mantras “Health is wealth” and “Do No Harm”. 

For example, one can get enough selenium from the normal diet and hence the supplement is not recommended. 

Selenium can cause gastrointestinal symptoms taken on sustained basis like selenium may cause bad breath, fever, and nausea, as well as liver, kidney and heart problems and other symptoms. 

This is precise reason why Nuvibliss does not have selenium. 



Short duration chromium intake is fine , yet in a longer term, chromium being trace element can cause stomach upset, headache , insomnia and mood changes. 

High doses can lead to kidney and liver injury in unmonitored situations. 

Hence No chromium for us as well as in Nuvibliss. 


Majority of salts available contain Iodine so that’s taken care of in the current era. “Kya aapke  namak mein Iodine hai?” and the answer is usually “Yes”. 

So , addition of further iodine in Multivitamins combination as some brands offer may not be great idea and hence we haven’t added any iodine in Nuvibliss. 

Another issue with excess of iodine intake through multiple fortified supplements is risking thyroid health. 

I am sure you have understood by now why we don’t packaged iodine in Nuvibliss Multivitamin. 


Copper in supplements can be found as cupric oxide, cupric sulfate, copper amino acid chelates and copper gluconate. It’s unknown if one form of copper in the supplement is better than another. 

Although copper has some beneficial effects , yet copper intake over a sustained period of time can lead to can result in liver damage, abdominal pain, cramps and vomiting especially when taken unmonitored .  

Considering such risks , we have refrained ourselves from adding copper to Nuvibliss combination . 


You may find certain brands offering Manganese to multivitamin combination claiming certain set of benefits . 

Although the benefits are claimed with manganese intake, the long term toxicity can be dreadful in some cases. 

Again long term exposure to manganese in unmonitored situation may lead to neurological issues like difficulty in walking , tightness of muscles , irritability and hallucinations. 

Considering this scenario, we have not included this micronutrient in our balanced combination of Nuvibliss. 


Typically low levels of magnesium may not have any symptoms. 

High dose of magnesium especially through supplements have shown to cause abdominal bloating, cramps and diarrhoea. And this situation is far more likely when magnesium is consumed as a part of daily supplement. 

Magnesium also can interact with antibiotics and other medicines and its prudent not to add magnesium when too many variables at work including long term issues related to magnesium consumption. 


Iron deficiency is an important health problem in the world .
Yet most of multivitamins available including Nuvibliss does not contain iron.

One of the primary reasons for this is that almost all individuals including men and post menopausal women get sufficient iron through balanced nutrition .

Long term sustained dosing of iron may lead to iron over dose and long term toxicity such as iron deposition in liver and kidneys which is hazardous.

Usually iron supplements/dosage are prescribed by medical practitioners depending on the needs of the particular individual .

This it’s recommended to speak to your physician to understand the need and prescription of iron supplements.


Calcium is an incredibly important mineral for general well being and is especially important in bone Health.
It’s more important for post menopausal women where there is steady deterioration of bone health as age advances .
So it is recommended to take calcium in menopausal age .
Then question arises as why not calcium in Nuvibliss?

Prime reason is calcium does interfere with absorption of other vitamins and minerals when consumed together and that would be detrimental for whole vitamin supplementation process .

Again addition of calcium in it’s recommended daily dosing which is beyond 1000 mg would make capsule almost impossible to consume considering other vital packed vitamins and minerals .
In short it’s impossible to package this .

Easy reason for us to omit the same and focus on to the real vitality vitamin combination.
It’s as simple as that .
Doing so allows us to deliver appropriate dosing of vitamin without bullying around by calcium .

We recommend calcium to be taken before or after couple of hours of Nuvibliss multivitamin.

Then why Zinc in Nuvibliss? 

Zinc is considered an essential nutrient, meaning that your body can’t produce or store it. 

For this reason, you must get a constant supply through your diet. 

Zinc is required for numerous processes in your body, including 

  • Gene expression 
  • Enzymatic reactions 
  • Immune function 
  • Protein synthesis 
  • DNA synthesis 
  • Wound healing 
  • Growth and development. 

And Long term complications of zinc consumption are extremely rare. Considering the long list of benefits towards vitality and well-being , we have incorporated specially Zinc in Nuvibliss. 


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