5 Essential Vitamins to Keep you Energised the Whole Day

by Souban souban.tie@gmail.com on June 26, 2023

Causes of Lack of Energy

Do you feel tired quickly or are you exhausted after doing a few basic chores? Well, if you experience this sluggish feeling repeatedly, chances are you are energy deprived. Reaching out to a snack or treat might give you an instant energy boost, however, it won’t solve the underlying issue.

A constant lack of energy indicates your diet is missing certain vitamins and nutrients that no amount of sugar or caffeine can fix. Popping unnecessary pills won’t help either. Based on your age, diet, sex and lifestyle, you need to identify the issue and then take steps to solve it.

Following a fad diet such as paleo or keto, or not eating a wide variety of foods are a few reasons your energy metabolism is not getting the vitamins and nutrients it needs to function optimally.

If you want to feel energised the entire day, having a balanced diet is a good place to start. Besides this, it’s important to check if you’re getting the right vitamins which are particularly beneficial for energy production.

Top 5 Energy Supporting Vitamins

Vitamins are important to maintain the overall functioning of our bodies. It aids in healthy aging, supports our metabolism and maintains strong bones. Here are the top five energy supporting vitamins:

Vitamin B6 (Pyridoxine)

Vitamin B6 helps create neurotransmitters which are the chemical messengers of the brain. It contributes to mental health which makes one feel energised and happy. While it’s great for an energy yielding metabolism, it also plays a key role in regulating our sleep and mood. It is also needed for the formation of RBCs. Though the deficiency is rare, older adults don’t always get their recommended daily allowance.

Vitamin D

In order to feel healthy and productive, maintaining vitamin D levels is of utmost importance. Low levels of the sunshine vitamin are linked to a higher incidence of depression. Getting enough sun exposure each day will enhance vitamin D levels in the body and improve energy levels.

Vitamin B12 (Cobalamin)

Vitamin B12 plays an important role in producing energy in the energy production cycle. It keeps the RBCs healthy and prevents a type of anaemia that makes one feel weak and tired. When one has a vitamin B12 deficiency, they tend to feel fatigued. Older adults, vegans, vegetarians and those with a gastrointestinal disorder tend to have a B12 deficiency.

Vitamin B9 (Folate)

Folate plays an important role in our overall energy production. It is needed for the formation of red blood cells which carry oxygen to all parts of the body, including the brain. When there is a folate deficiency, the body is unable to produce RBCs which results in lack of energy to perform daily activities. Lethargy, fatigue and weakness are a few side-effects of folate deficiency.

Vitamin B7 (Biotin)

Biotin helps our body break down food into energy. It mainly contributes to a macronutrient metabolism. It constitutes carbohydrates, protein and fats which are essential for energy production. If someone has a biotin deficiency, they’re bound to experience fatigue, mood swings and digestive issues.

Taking the above vitamins ensure you get one step closer to your health and wellness goals.

Keeping a track of which vitamins you’re getting and which you’re not can be quite a challenge. To tackle this, Nuvibliss brings to you a gourmet multivitamin formula in the form of a vegan capsule. It is the most complete vitamin that will keep you energised the whole day.


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